Another Vigil this Saturday 4/9

Another Vigil this Saturday 4/9

We have reason to believe the hospital will begin destruction of the Prouty Garden on a weekend morning this spring. Therefore, every Saturday in April (and possibly longer) we will be gathering at the hospital to keep watch over the garden and continue spreading awareness through our presence, including this Saturday, April 9th. We urge all of our supporters to come to as many Saturday events as possible, for as little or as long as you are able!

Tree Vigil This Saturday 4/2

Tree Vigil This Saturday 4/2

Friends of the Prouty Garden recently learned that the hospital has plans in the work to remove the dawn redwood tree from the garden in the near future. We have reason to believe this work could commence as early as this Saturday during the early morning. As such, we are organizing a tree vigil this Saturday from 6 am to 10 am at the hospital, rain or shine, and urge all supporters who are able to attend.

WATCH: The Fight to Save Prouty Garden Goes to Beacon Hill

WATCH: The Fight to Save Prouty Garden Goes to Beacon Hill

Last night, Friends of the Prouty Garden Gus Murby and world-renowned pediatrician Dr. T Berry Brazelton appeared on Greater Boston with Jim Braude to discuss the garden. The hospital is now trying to bulldoze this story by refusing to comment, claiming they have all the approvals they need, which is decidedly not true. As host Jim Braude says, that is arrogance with a capital A.

Prouty Garden Supporters Plan Meetings on Beacon Hill

Prouty Garden Supporters Plan Meetings on Beacon Hill

The Friends of Prouty Garden plan tomorrow to hold meetings with legislators and aides to outline our objections to the massive $1 billion Boston Children's Hospital construction project, which would result in the destruction of Prouty Garden. We have meetings planned for tomorrow with Speaker DeLeo's office and the offices of the House and Senate chairs of the Health Care Financing Committee, Representative Sanchez and Senator Welch.

Cognoscenti: Saving Prouty Means Saving Children's Lives

Cognoscenti: Saving Prouty Means Saving Children's Lives

Children’s leadership claims that our only choice is to destroy Prouty Garden to maintain first-rate pediatric care. Sacrificing nature will not sustain medical excellence — it will lower our overall quality. We need to show the innovation, compassion and courage that has made Children’s No. 1 by saving Prouty Garden, making it integral to our improvements, and celebrating its dawn redwood as the symbol of the resilience, tenacity and reverence for life of Boston Children’s Hospital, our staff, our patients and their families.

Letter from Dr. Paul Hattis on BCH Expansion Cost

Letter from Dr. Paul Hattis on BCH Expansion Cost

Many of you wrote into the Department of Public Health during its public comment period as part of its Determination of Need (DoN) process for the hospital's expansion application. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing some of the most important of those letters. We start today with this letter from Dr. Paul Hattis, former Consumer Advocate appointee to the Mass. Health Policy Commission. 

Nate in the Garden

Nate in the Garden

In June 2012, my then 11-year-old son Nate was diagnosed with metastatic undifferentiated sarcoma, cancer of the soft tissue and bone. It is hard to say what we liked most about the Prouty Garden but I know that my son saw it as an escape that heightened his senses in a very positive way, whether it be an opportunity to breath in fresh air, to smell fresh cut grass, to feel the warmth of the sun or the cool wind, or to just listen to the peaceful quiet or the birds singing.  It was always a much-welcomed retreat from the confines of the hospital. 

Signs of Spring, Construction Signs

Signs of Spring, Construction Signs

Our supporters have been sending us some marvelous photos from the Prouty Garden this week. This year's mild winter and recent rash of unseasonably warm days have left us with early signs of spring—daffodil shoots, buds on trees, and people breathing happy sighs as they sink down onto fresh grass. For those of us who worried we may never seen another spring in Prouty, these are soothing and welcoming signs indeed. 

Prouty Petition Hits 15,000 Signatures

Prouty Petition Hits 15,000 Signatures

Great news! Our petition, started more than four years ago, has reached a critical milestone of 15,000 signatures. This comes at an important time as the Department of Public Health will be considering the hospital's expansion proposal in the weeks and months ahead. What's more, we were able to secure the last approximately 1,000 signatures in just ONE DAY due to the fervent support of our family. 

"Save Me:" Our Latest Full Page Ad

"Save Me:" Our Latest Full Page Ad

Today, the Friends of the Prouty Garden published another full-page advertisement in the Boston Globe. Our message is simple: for the generations who have come before and the generations still to come, the Prouty Garden absolutely must remain. It is hard to describe merely with words and pictures just how very precious and powerful, how very life affirming and soul soothing, the Prouty Garden is, unless you have experienced it firsthand.

Friends of the Prouty Garden on BNN

Friends of the Prouty Garden on BNN

Two of our wonderful supporters, Beecher Grogan, mother of a patient, and Tom Paine, a landscape architect who helped design a portion of the Prouty Garden, appeared last night on BNN (Boston Neighborhood Network News) to discuss our efforts to preserve the garden, including what makes the Prouty Garden so special and genuinely a healing garden, and what life is like at Children's without Prouty. It is quite moving and well worth a watch.

Public Hearing on BCH Expansion

Public Hearing on BCH Expansion

The Department of Public Health will be holding a PUBLIC HEARING next Thursday, February 25th at 4 pm as they consider BCH's application for its $1 billion expansion project that includes destroying the historic Prouty Garden. We urge everyone who is able to please come to the hearing and plan to ARRIVE EARLY to assure a seat and sign up to speak. This is PUBLIC FORUM. Anyone with comments which may be relevant to consideration by the Department of the need for this project is welcome to speak.

State Tells BCH to Slow Down

State Tells BCH to Slow Down

Just days ago, state regulators from Department of Public Health determined that Boston Children’s Hospital must provide an independent cost analysis demonstrating that the planned $1 billion campus expansion won’t undercut their efforts to restrain growth in health care costs. According to news stories, this is only the second time in history that the state has required such a cost analysis.

"Sacred Space:" Our Latest Full Page Ad

"Sacred Space:" Our Latest Full Page Ad

This week, the Friends of the Prouty Garden published the attached full-page advertisement in the Boston Globe, highlighting the difficult, yet necessary conversation about the Prouty Garden as a "Sacred Space." Renowned pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton lends his support for our beloved Proutya healing space that is a haven not only for children and families who get well, but for those who have had to say goodbye.