Health Policy Commission Weighs In

Great news for Prouty supporters! The Health Policy Commission (HPC) has weighed in on the hospital's proposed expansion, saying in a letter to the state Department of Public Health (DPH) that the expansion could increase spending by $8.5 million to $18.1 million annually for commercial payers in Massachusetts. 

The HPC voted unanimously to submit its comments to the DPH, the first time the commission has ever weighed in on a determination of need application. Its letter also warned that the expansion could increase the hospital's "already substantial market share" and that shifts of patients from other Massachusetts hospitals to Children's could "destabilize competing local pediatric care programs," potentially leading those programs to close.

Though the Health Policy Commission cannot block the project, the DPH will consider its views as it makes its final decision on the project, which we expect very shortly.

For further reading, please refer to the articles below: